quarta-feira, 29 de julho de 2009

Fortes Report for lazarus vs


Windows XP

Linux with LCL Qt widget

running under Wine:

Report page 1

Printer setup

Report page 2

To download latest version click here

English version

.To visualize report in time of design
.To correct bug that it hinders to visualize components in linux when recharging the project (obs: in windows it loads perfectly)
.To correct bug of the RLPreview component
.To implement rotate function in the components RLAngleLabel and RLBarcode



.Draftfilter functioning perfectly in the standard mode of the FortesReport

The standard mode is configured automatically when it inserts the Draftfilter component in form, being the standard the following one:
DeviceKind :=dkPrinterPort;
DevicePath :='prn';

DeviceKind :=dkProgram;
DevicePath :='lpr -P%p %f';

Unit RLPrinters
.Correções para as funções:

LoadPrintersList no linux
GetPrinterDevice no linux

.in linux, it does not need the library more than libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so
. Draftfilter: . Withdrawal all the calls of scanline, before dependent of the DLL, that had functioning badly. Obviously, in some cases it must return some strange value. In my tests it functioned normally
. I obtained to use the DraftFilter in two ways:
1- DeviceKind:=dkFilename;

linux-> DevicePath:='/dev/lp0';
windows-> DevicePath:='prn';
... it functioned perfectly
2- DeviceKind:=dkFilename;
In this case that txt generated an archive, using the command
$ cat /tmp/saida.txt > /dev/lp0
type c:\saida.txt > prn
...it functioned perfectly

.In the linux version, it does not need librlreportshared.so more than
.Corrected bug of the ShowProgress, that I had fixed in True. .DraftFilter did not function, probably problems with the DLL.
. Simple listing with Header, ColumHeader, Detail, Summary and Footer functioned perfectly.
. Report with RLGroup functioned perfectly
. It exports to pdf, RichText, HTML and Excel without problems
. Preview functioning perfectly.
. Print functioned perfectly.
. DraftFilter not yet was tested. As soon as I to obtain a dot-matrix printer I will make the tests.
. The components RLBarcode and RLAngleLabel are without the option of rotated, therefore not yet the question of the ScanLine is decided, that does not have in the TBitmap classroom of the freepascal.
. The RLPreview component did not function, of the error and closes lazarus
. Tested in win32 and QT (in my ARCHLINUX) . In the QT it presents problems in IDE when recharging a project with the RLReport component, simply is impossible to modify, therefore it is not possible to discern where they are the components. . In windows beauty functioned, without problems in IDE.
Post its suggestions, you criticize and you doubt so that all let us can take off advantage of this component, and leave it most functional possible. email for contact on the project: dicas4lazarus@yahoo.com.br

Um comentário:

  1. Olá Isaac,

    Mais uma vez, parabéns pela iniciativa ;) .

    Silvio Clécio.
