quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010

Problems with SVN

To some days I tried to lower finishes it version of fortes4lazarus with svn and I did not obtain, therefore it gave error.
I executed the command below:

$svn co https://fortes4lazarus.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fortes4lazarus/trunk fortes4lazarus

It gave the following error:

SSL negotiation failed: SSL disabled due you library version mismatch

As I still am inexperienced with svn, I found that he was making some wrong thing. But it was not. In the truth it was the neon package that was outdated.
In mine in case that, use archlinux, I executed:
#pacman - S openssl, neon

Ubuntu users, types:
#apt-get install openssl, neon


Made this, svn functioned normally. I wait to have collaborated.

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