quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010

Lazarus 0.9.29 under wine

I was in linux making tests in lazarus (gtk2) and decided to open projects older than I had made in the version 0.9.27 and which my surprise: Some forms are not visible when it pressures the F12 (togle form/unit).

I decided to install lazarus in wine and which my surprise: forms had visualized normally. Then searching, I discovered that it is a problem of lazarus/Gtk2, always does not happen, but it happens.

Here lazarus under wine, on archlinux with kde4:

1-Unnecessary to load one virtual machines with windows
2-Much more fast of what one virtual machine
3-Possible to create one snapshot of the initial installation, in way that if when installing some component to appear some bug in IDE, simply erases the installation and comes back snapshot.
4-To install in another one computer linux, it is enough to create new snapshot and to copy for another one machine and ready!

1-Some components can not install, mainly to depend itself on DLLs of third part.
2-Has no guarantee that in the next version to wine lazarus goes to function, without having that to reinstall.

But while not of the problem, I am happy with linux+wine!

Be free, uses linux.

Soon I will give more details of as to create snapshot.

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