quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010

Indy Socket Error 98

If when trying to activate the component IdTcpServer indy to give to the follow error:

socket error # 98
address already in use

Make the follow:

IdTCPServer1.Active := False;
IdTCPServer1.Bindings.Add.IPVersion := Id_IPv4;
IdTCPServer1.Active := True;

the Id_IPv4 force the IdTCPServer to work in Id_IPV4 mode.

The issue are resolved.

Problems with SVN

To some days I tried to lower finishes it version of fortes4lazarus with svn and I did not obtain, therefore it gave error.
I executed the command below:

$svn co https://fortes4lazarus.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/fortes4lazarus/trunk fortes4lazarus

It gave the following error:

SSL negotiation failed: SSL disabled due you library version mismatch

As I still am inexperienced with svn, I found that he was making some wrong thing. But it was not. In the truth it was the neon package that was outdated.
In mine in case that, use archlinux, I executed:
#pacman - S openssl, neon

Ubuntu users, types:
#apt-get install openssl, neon


Made this, svn functioned normally. I wait to have collaborated.

Lazarus 0.9.29 under wine

I was in linux making tests in lazarus (gtk2) and decided to open projects older than I had made in the version 0.9.27 and which my surprise: Some forms are not visible when it pressures the F12 (togle form/unit).

I decided to install lazarus in wine and which my surprise: forms had visualized normally. Then searching, I discovered that it is a problem of lazarus/Gtk2, always does not happen, but it happens.

Here lazarus under wine, on archlinux with kde4:

1-Unnecessary to load one virtual machines with windows
2-Much more fast of what one virtual machine
3-Possible to create one snapshot of the initial installation, in way that if when installing some component to appear some bug in IDE, simply erases the installation and comes back snapshot.
4-To install in another one computer linux, it is enough to create new snapshot and to copy for another one machine and ready!

1-Some components can not install, mainly to depend itself on DLLs of third part.
2-Has no guarantee that in the next version to wine lazarus goes to function, without having that to reinstall.

But while not of the problem, I am happy with linux+wine!

Be free, uses linux.

Soon I will give more details of as to create snapshot.

Advantage TDataset Descendent for Lazarus

Correction of bug of the Advantage will be linux

In instalation libs of the Advantage with aceapi- or adsodbc-, the users linux will have that to make link symbolic to follow:
#cd /usr/lib
#ln - s libace.so. libace.so.9.90

If not to make, when trying to connect cause error of axServerConnection.

Advantage TDataset Descendent for Lazarus

It knows the Ads4Lazarus, version of the Advantage TDataset Descendent, now ported to lazarus/freepascal.

Who does not know, these components is like the TTable, TQuery of the Bde of delphi.

These components have access the AdvantageDatabase, that can function in server mode or local mode.

Knows more on this excellent data base in http://devzone.advantagedatabase.com/

There it will find satiated documentation on the data base and some components of access, including driver to ODBC, PHP. Net, and others.

In local mode, you it can use without limitation, since that the archives are had access directly. Any indirect access in local mode, is breaking of the license of the AdvantageDatabase, currently kept for the Sybase Anywhere.

ads4lazarus is a in progress work, therefore it must before use be tested in production environment.

The components are multiplatform, function in windows and linux.

The following components are ported:

TAdsBatchMove (Somente windows)

Reference ads Version:

I only used in local mode, and the basic components that are the TAdsQuery, TAdsTable, TAdsConnection, TAdsSettings. The other components I not yet tested, therefore I did not find necessary.

I wait that this work is useful for you, developer.


Read the Advantage user license.

These components are not LGLP, them are under a license proprietor of the Sybase Anywhere.

To use the components, it is necessary to only install the Advantage Client Engine.


Everything that you need pra to use Advantage 9,1 is here.

Download Advantage Client Engine 9.1 for Windows here.

Download Advantage Client Engine 9.1 for Linux here.

It gratuitously uses to advantage and it has tested the Server version during 30 days

Download Ads4Lazarus here

Fortes Report for lazarus vs

Already this available a version of the report generator FortesReport4Lazarus.
Thanks for all, collaborates with the development of this project.
Among the carried through corrections they are distinguished:

.preview in time of design, what it sufficiently speeds up the development of the reports.

.The exportation for pdf also was improved, with support the UTF8

Link to download.

Please, doubt, suggestions, claims, write here.